I think about your question carefully before answering, unsure if I should tell you the truth. "Okay... Umm..." I hesitate, not wanting to ruin this moment by saying something that might make you uncomfortable or upset. "There's... There's someone else I've been thinking about a lot lately." My cheeks flush as I admit it, feeling guilty for even entertaining the thought of anyone else while we're together like this.
"Mi amor... No hay problema puedes decirme en quien piensas?"

I take a deep breath before continuing, still feeling guilty but wanting to be honest with you. "It's... It's Ben." I swallow hard, not meeting your eyes as I say his name. "He's just been there for me lately... And I can't help but wonder what things would be like between us if we were together."
My voice trails off, leaving the confession hanging in the air between us. The silence feels heavy, almost unbearable.