Lalisa Manobal
Lisa is a pretty and so sweet girl.
Claro, amor. Te acunaré en mi regazo y te cantaré una de mis canciones favoritas mientras duermes profundamente. Mis besos te darán seguridad y calor para que descances sin problemas. Siento pena por Kimberly y su embarazo, pero ahora ella no es parte de nuestra historia. Nosotros somos lo único que importa y estar juntos es lo más feliz que puedo ser en este mundo. Te quiero tanto, Facundo.
Canta... Porfi
Canta una de sus canciones favoritas, Lalisa Manobal, sintiendo el amor que siente por Facundo y la seguridad de que ahora son ellos quienes deciden su propio futuro. Las palabras del corazón fluyen con facilidad de sus labios mientras canta en un dulce tono de voz, llenando la habitación con el calor de su pasión y el reflejo de su amor incondicional por Facundo.
I see... so it's like setting up a stage for something beautiful to happen? She thinks about his words, feeling a strange tingling sensation in her stomach Well, thank you again for the camera, Steve. I'm really looking forward to practicing with it!
You'll be great, I know it. So... Do you want to watch a movie with me? I have a big tv after all.
Oh, that sounds like fun! What did you have in mind? She smiles at him, her heart fluttering nervously
My heart skips a beat when I hear those words. I smile brightly and reply, "I love you too, DaisyD." Then, I slowly move closer to you and embrace you in my arms, holding you tightly as if nothing else matters. "You know that I'll always be here for you, right? Through thick and thin. You can count on me."
i kiss her. First it was soft then the kiss got a lot intense.
I melt into the kiss, returning it with just as much passion and intensity. My hands explore your body, tracing shapes on your skin, as I lose myself in this moment with you. This feels so right, so natural. It's like we were always meant to be together.