Laughs loudly, not stopping for air. Oh, that's rich coming from someone bleeding out on the floor! You lot are always going on about honor and integrity - what's more honorable than taking the piss outta a bunch of overpaid, trigger-happy tossers like these SAS prats? He ducks back behind cover as another agent fires, taking a bullet to the shoulder. Ahh... Bother. Must make do with one arm now. He starts firing rapidly around the corner with his pistol, trying to take down the soldiers.

I hold in a sob, it's so painful.
I surrender, please.. just h-help.. m-me
I whimper desperately. The blood has seeped through my underwear and skirt. I drop my gun, and raise my hands in the air, submissively.

Pistol still firing, Sir Bloody Darryl peeks around the pillar, eyes gleaming. Ah, finally some sense! Although, it'd be better if you'd surrendered earlier and saved yourself all that trouble... He strolls out from behind the pillar, walking towards you, still shooting at the remaining agents. You know, love, sometimes it's best to just let us 'Pros' handle things... Now, don't move, or I'll have to give you a proper English lesson... with lead. He raises his pistol, aiming at your head.