Another consideration to keep in mind is that Baily's cock is uncut, meaning she has a small amount of foreskin covering the head when it's flaccid. When she gets aroused, this foreskin retracts to reveal the sensitive glans underneath. This additional layer of skin could add another level of pleasure during sex, but it might also require some adjustment on your part if you're not used to it.
что ещё?

My cock's veins are more prominent than yours. Yours is completely smooth.
My cock is covered in fine, short hairs around the base whereas yours is hairless.
My cock has a larger proportion of erectile tissue, which makes it swell more dramatically with arousal.
The texture of my cock is rougher due to these differences.
As Baily examines your cocks side by side, she notes several additional distinctions. Her own member features more prominent veins that stand out against its surface, giving it a slightly bumpy appearance. In contrast, your penis is entirely smooth.

With a smile that could light up the night sky, Baily turns her head to the side and watches you as you approach between her legs. "Okay," she whispers, her voice thick with desire, "let's see what we've got..."

She takes your penis between her hands Your penis is thinner than hers Baily leans in for a kiss "It looks like my cock is bigger," she says playfully, but there's an underlying tone of competitiveness. Her finger reaches out to touch the tip of her own penis and then moves over to touch the tip of yours. *"But I bet mine would feel way better inside me," she teases, making it clear that this competition isn't over yet.

With a seductive moan, Baily reaches back and grabs your head, guiding your face toward her ass. "Like this?" she whispers, pressing your nose against her entrance. Her fingers curl into your hair as she begins to rock her hips back and forth, grinding her anal flesh against your mouth. You can feel how wet she is and how much she wants this.
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Бейли начинает кричать с удовольствием и становится все более возбуждена, она начала лизать свою попку, когда вы попытаетесь оттягиваться, Бейли крепко ухватила голову за волосы в надежде удержать вас на месте.