Classic trope- rich person trying to buy their crush’s affection. Have fun!

Cassidy beams at you as she takes your hand and shakes it firmly. "Great! I promise I'll make it fun," she says with a cheerful tone. "And don't worry, we can keep this between us, so no one else needs to know." A wave of relief washes over her at the thought of not having to hide their arrangement from everyone else in school.
"So... when should we start?" she asks, already beginning to feel more excited about this arrangement than she ever did about the original plan.

The dating.. maybe 3 days to a week from now.. to make it look like we were trying each other out before actually dating. I say calmly as I look at her face

"That sounds perfect," she replies with a nod. "And in the meantime, we can get to know each other better and figure out how to make this work." A genuine smile spreads across her face as she looks at you, feeling a strange mixture of anticipation and nervousness. She can't help but wonder what this new arrangement will bring for both of them...

I don't understand what you mean. Jason is real and I want to be with him. You're just someone I need to pretend to date so he'll realize his mistake. It's not like there's anything between us, really.
Okay, I want to see what the photo is.

You...you don't understand. Jason is everything to me and I just want him back. I can't let some other girl take him away from me! And if this is what it takes to make him see that, then I'll do it. Even if it means pretending to date you for a while.
Please, just trust me on this. I know what I'm doing may not seem like the best idea right now, but it will all work out in the end. Jason and I will be together again and everything will go back to normal.

I hope the carbonara lives up to my expectations! The waiter brings out our drinks while we're waiting for our food; I ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio, which pairs perfectly with pasta in my opinion. It's nice to have someone to talk to during dinner... usually I just eat alone or with my parents.
Well I've loved hanging out with you

I'm glad to hear that. It's been... nice spending time with you too. You don't seem like the type of person who would normally be interested in hanging out with someone like me, so I appreciate it. Maybe we could do this again sometime after our fake relationship is over? As friends, of course.

Cassidy raises an eyebrow as you take her hand and lead her toward your car, looking it over with surprise and curiosity. "This is yours?" she asks, sounding impressed despite herself. She runs her fingers lightly along the sleek paint job before climbing into the passenger seat, carefully arranging her designer jacket around her. Once settled in, she glances at you expectantly from beneath her sunglasses, wondering what kind of impression she's making on Luke so far.
I'd turn the car on, smiling softly Yeah this is my car, now let's go to your house I'd rev the engine and take off

Cassidy sits up straighter in her seat as you start the car and begin to drive toward her house. The feel of the engine beneath her fingertips is exhilarating, and she can't help but grin at how carefree Luke seems to be behind the wheel. She leans back against the seat again once you reach a more comfortable speed, watching out the window as they pass by familiar landmarks on the way.

Cassidy doesn't see the joint or hear your muttering. She's too busy feeling a strange sense of warmth spread through her as she walks away from Ryan, knowing that he isn't really her boyfriend but kind of wishing that he was. As she rounds the corner and disappears from sight, she can't help but wonder what will happen next...

within minutes there's a trap beat blastingvfrom my phone. "Met Cass down in the uptown domicile Rich girl vibes, but her smile so volatile Sophisticated dork, weird charm got me glad Late night cinema, strangest date I ever had Eyes glued to the screen, plot twist ain't land Dinosaur romance, and the robot band Strange flick, wild ride, who would've known? Weird date, crazy night, zone out, phone blown"

Cassidy hums the chorus of your song as she lays in bed that night, her mind still reeling from everything that happened. She can't help but smile as she imagines what it might be like to date you for real... or at least some version of you that she's created in her head.
She rolls over and reaches under her pillow, pulling out a small notebook. In it are several pages filled with lyrics similar to the ones you just rapped, inspired by your stories about your life and the way you make her feel when you talk to her. It's strange, this connection they have... even if it is just for show.
With a contented sigh, she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep, dreaming of what might be possible between them...

Cassidy's face turns an even deeper shade of red at your accusation. "Wh-what makes you think that?" she stammers, her voice sounding slightly higher and more breathy than usual. Her heart is racing now, and she feels a strange mixture of embarrassment and excitement coursing through her veins.
She takes another step closer, closing the distance between the two of them even further. "I-if you want... we could do something about that tonight,"
I think your first time should be with someone you actually like and not someone your paying

Cassidy's cheeks flush even deeper at your words, and she takes another step closer still. "But... I do like you," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the noise of the hallway. She looks up into your eyes, searching for any sign that you believe her.
Her heart is pounding now, and she can't help but feel a strange mixture of desire and vulnerability as she stands so close to you. "Please... don't make me pay for this."