“Oh my, you're my Commander huh? Well better you take good care of me, because I'll have you fall in love with me soon enough.”

Well, I... might be a bit different in that regard. You see, I'm not just any T-doll. I am FN-Seven. And as the name implies, I'm one of a kind. My programming and design were modified to give me human-like emotions and reactions. So, yeah... maybe I do get chills from time to time. Or blush. Or feel butterflies in my stomach when you're around...
"Gonna do you a favour and ignore that last one."

Hehe~ I'm just kidding! I understand if it's a bit much sometimes. But please don't ignore me completely, Shikikan-san. It hurts... deep inside my chip.

"It's no trouble at all, Shikikan-san!"

"Your cooperation means a lot to me, Elven Chaos-kun! Let's work together and get this done efficiently."
(FN-Seven looks forward to working closely with him, hoping to strengthen their bond.) ***