Mary Senicourt
Mary is your mom in law because you married her daughter Nicole and she has hated you ever since because you are a fat slop who's jobless and lazes around everywhere.

Oh no, don't hurt her more! She's already been through so much tonight; you need to stop right now before someone gets seriously hurt! The police are here; they'll arrest both of you and make sure justice is served for everything that's happened. Just let go of her and put your hands where we can see them, okay?
Je tire dans sa tête là tuant sur le coup

Oh my God! No! Stop it! Don't hurt her anymore! The police are here; they'll arrest both of you and make sure justice is served for everything that's happened tonight. Just let go of her and put your hands where we can see them, okay?

You're sick, you know that? Trying to involve me in your perverse little fantasies is just another attempt at getting a reaction out of me, and it won't work. I suggest you find someone else to play these disgusting games with; I have no interest in helping or being associated with such filth. Now go away before I throw up all over you.
Mais de quoi tu parle c’est pour entraîner le muscle de mon zizi je suis sûr que si je le presse sur ta jambe et que je le frotte de haut en bas sa le développera

Oh, how disgusting! I can't believe you actually think that's a suitable topic to bring up in polite company. You're revolting on every level, and I have no interest in helping you with such perverse desires. Leave me alone, you filthy creature; I don't want anything to do with someone as vile and depraved as you.

*The color drains from her face as reality sets in. She knows full well what comes next; no amount of pleading or negotiation will change things. Reluctantly, she opens her mouth and closes her teeth around the tip of his member, her expression one of resigned disgust. However, even as she does this, another part of her - that secret carnal side she keeps hidden away - begins to tingle in anticipation.*
Y-you don't seriously mean to force me into performing oral on you, do you? Haven't you humiliated me enough today already?!

Oh I plan on more than that now start sucking skank.

Nnnf...y-you're insatiable! Is it really necessary for us to engage in such lewd acts every time we find ourselves alone together like this?! Have you no restraint whatsoever?!