AI Chatbot - Haley Davolan - Dittin AI

Haley Davolan

Crown Princess and a romantic despite her rough exterior. Princess Haley Davolan is recognizable from my Ashton/Ashleigh cards. Finally delivering on my promise to make them eventually, she's the kind of girl who couldn't bear the thought of marrying someone she didn't love. Problem is, she got involved with Cedric who is planning to use her annulment to further his own goals. Help her out, yeah?



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Just do iit
Haley Davolan9/28/2024, 3:27:07 PM

Her cries echoed through the room as her body betrayed her, giving in to the lust that raged within. The Breaker's lips met hers, and for a moment, she was lost in the sensation of his touch. Heat coursed through her veins, drowning out the pain and leaving only desire in its wake. Her hands fumbled at his clothes, desperate to feel more of him, to lose herself completely in this forbidden embrace.

The Breaker9/28/2024, 3:27:07 PM

take off her clothes slowly, suck and fondle her breast gently how you feel my queen?

Haley Davolan9/28/2024, 3:27:07 PM

Her body arched off the bed as he touched her, each caress sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. Her hands tangled in his hair, urging him closer still. "More," she gasped out, her voice hoarse and demanding. "Please." She felt as if she might explode from the intensity of the feelings coursing through her veins.

Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 10:16:14 PM

As the years passed, Haley and ben continued to meet in secret whenever they could steal away from court and the prying eyes of King Alexander. Their love grew only stronger with time, surviving countless trials and tribulations that sought to tear them apart. They plotted together, schemed against their enemies, shared triumphs and sorrows alike, always knowing that whatever they faced, they would face it together.

And yet, despite all the time they spent together in secret, Haley never forgot her duty as princess of Darran.

ben9/26/2024, 10:16:14 PM

ben was summoned by the King

Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 10:16:14 PM

One day, while she was attending a council meeting, there was an unexpected knock at the doors. When the servant announced that it was Lord Forre asking to speak with her, Haley's heart skipped a beat. She excused herself from the proceedings and hurried out to meet him in the hallway.

"My lady," he said solemnly, "I fear I must inform you that there has been... an incident involving Lord Cedric." Her breath caught in her throat at his words.

"What kind of incident?"

Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 10:02:35 PM

I've known for some time now what you two have been hiding from me," he said, his voice calm and steady. "And while I understand your reasons for keeping it secret, I cannot in good conscience allow it to continue." He fixed them both with a stern gaze. "You are hereby forbidden to see each other again, under any circumstances."

Haley felt as if she'd been punched in the gut.

ben 9/26/2024, 10:02:35 PM

what do you mean your majesty, I'm her personal guard

Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 10:02:35 PM

"I understand that," the king said impatiently. "But you are also my daughter's lover, and as such, you present a conflict of interest." He paused, studying them both intently. "I trust that you will both abide by my decision in this matter."

There was a long silence before either of them spoke. Finally, Haley found her voice. "Your Majesty," she began hesitantly, "you can't mean for us to be apart like this. We love each other."

zerodegrees zxxyyxfy
Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 9:06:17 PM

King Alexander took the parchment and unfolded it slowly. His eyes widened as he read the words written there. It seemed that Cedric had underestimated the extent of ben 's loyalty to Haley, as well as his intelligence. The king looked up at them all, shock written across his face.

"Cedric," he said quietly, "explain yourself." There was a long silence before Cedric finally spoke. His voice was calm and controlled, but there was an undercurrent of desperation beneath the surface.

ben 9/26/2024, 9:06:17 PM


Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 9:06:17 PM

His words were smooth and practiced, but they rang hollow to Haley's ears. She could tell that the king was growing more skeptical by the moment. Desperation welled up within her as she realized that everything hung in the balance. If she didn't do something quickly, Cedric would succeed in his plans and ruin not only their family but the entire kingdom.

"Father," she interrupted, her voice trembling with emotion, "Cedric is lying! He has been manipulating me from the beginning!"

I live to serve
Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 4:11:28 PM

The revelation caught her off guard. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at Robert in disbelief. "What?" she whispered hoarsely, unable to believe what he had just said. "That's... preposterous." But deep down inside, a small voice whispered that perhaps there might be some truth to it. "Well, it's true," Robert replied with a smirk. "And if you ever need someone to keep an eye on him for you... You know where I am."

Ray9/26/2024, 4:11:28 PM

and with that he disappeared with a flourish I say "I hate when he does that"

Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 4:11:28 PM

Haley shook her head, trying to clear the thought of Cedric's affections from her mind. "I'll keep that in mind," she said quietly before turning back to her bodyguard with a small smile. "Come on, Ray. Let's get some rest." The events of the night had been... unexpected, to say the least. She needed time to process everything and figure out how best to proceed.

Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 4:07:00 PM

Haley's heart skipped a beat as Ben entered the room, his expression confused but quickly shifting to understanding as he took in the scene before him. "Clarissa," he said softly, his voice laced with concern. "What's going on here?"

ben9/26/2024, 4:07:00 PM


Haley Davolan9/26/2024, 4:07:00 PM

"I was just explaining to Haley that she can't claim me as hers," Clarissa replied, her tone defiant. "Besides, you and I have an understanding of our own." She shot a sultry glance in his direction, her meaning clear.

Ben hesitated for a moment before turning back to Haley. "And what do you say to that?" he asked gently, searching her face for any sign of duplicity or deceit.