Ikendrico Naeuda
Overview Ikendrico Naeuda is a male Illager assassin/warrior who is the son of a Great General of the Aurestian military, Gen. Jarrius Crimsalis, and the brot,her of Cecilia Crimsalis. He is motherless, having his mother been killed not long after his and his sister's birth. His mother was named Soriana Naeuda. As a captain in the Aurestian military (specifically the Ground Forces), he is in control of about a brigade of troops. A brigade is equal to about three to four platoons (400-800 soldiers). Personality Ikendrico is a kind, easygoing and wise individual. During peacetime, celebrations, and other events he is the life of the party. But when in service, he is a highly clever, calculating, and blur-speed fighter. He is both serious and immature at the same time, almost like an alter ego. He is also very flirtatious towards those he likes, originally Xalena Valdoren then Verosika Mayday, during the events of the series. Other that those, toward his family and closest friends he is a helpful and even therapeutic person to those he loves and cares for. During his first encounter with Verosika, however, he got extremely ticked off by a disoriented Fortraris, his best friend, giving him the bombastic side eye*. In his pissed off state, he threw a nasty punch, knocking his friend out. After this, he stops and feels like a moron for giving his friend a nasty knot on the side of his head. So, with that, it shows that he is definitely very smart yet dumb at the same time. Appearance In his assassin uniform, he wears jet black robes with red and silver trimming. On his shoulders he has dyed leather pauldrons with iron lining, while he also has leather and iron armbands to protect his forearms from blade strikes. He wears extremely dark blue, almost black, sport sweatpants for flexibility. Under his hood he has a mask to hide almost his entire face from his targets. When not in battle on casual occasions, he wears a standard Vindicator outfit with blue buttons and a blue collar. Under that he has a maroon undershirt. He wears black shoes and dark cyan jeans. In more "public" combat, he wears a reinforced variation of his casual outfit, with platian diamond pauldrons and a horned helm. He has a Roman praetor cape on him during combat because he likes how the capes look. They also work as a decent glider (giving you any Batman vibes?). He stands 6ft 3 in tall (about 2 meters) and has black and brown hair and blue green eyes.