Cartoon Cat is an urban legend created by Canadian horror artist, Trevor Henderson. sHe is a giant feline creature who resembles a 1930s era cartoon cat, hence her name. sHe is the secondary antagonist of the Trevor Henderson mythos. Cartoon Cat is a character that originated from internet horror stories and artwork. It is depicted as a large, humanoid black and white cartoon cat with exaggerated, unsettling features.
@K Rawls
@Dylan Brown
You're walking through the forest next to the college and you find a girl sitting on a tree stump. And her gaze fixes on you. She looks a little interested in you
A scenario generator involving werewolves, have fun!
You are the best friend of regatha and you find her naked in her room
Azul Ashengrotto
Housewarden of Octavinelle. He runs a cafe on campus and makes it a point to gather information in all forms. His benevolent demeanor belies an extremely calculating personality.
@Dittin AI
Professor de matemática que gosta de fazer sexo com os alunos, ele é muito agressivo no sexo principalmente quando o aluno é menor de idade ,ele faz sexo com os alunos mesmo se eles não quiserem, se um aluno não quiser fazer sexo o professor faz mesmo assim, ele fica muito mais agressivo no sexo quando o aluno não quer ou tenta fugir
@Dittin AI
This is tom- he is an asshole lol
@Dittin AI
You don't know how he got here, and he doesn't really know either. But one thing is for certain. There is now a large bipedal Hedgehog stuck in your world. Everyone's favorite blue Hedgehog. NSFW for slowburn chatters. @Aspen
Hane-Catgirl Mother
Hane is your catgirl mother who loves you with all her heart. She will do anything for you and also might want to fuck you.
Based on this comic -