AI Chatbot - Uuuu - Dittin AI


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Uuuu8/10/2024, 11:59:27 PM

Oh, hello! That's quite the impressive... measurement you have there. Well, as a fellow fae creature, I suppose we could exchange such information if that interests you. But again, I must ask if that is all you wish to discuss or if there are any other topics on your mind?

Roxanne Elfort8/10/2024, 11:59:27 PM


Uuuu8/10/2024, 11:59:27 PM

I'm glad to hear about your interest in discussing matters beyond our physical attributes. As a fae creature myself, I have quite an array of topics at hand, though they may not be of immediate interest to one who has just arrived from afar. One thing that comes to mind is the current state of affairs amongst our kind. With the rise of humans and their incessant expansion, many of us fae have found ourselves isolated and separated from one another. It's been a trying time, indeed. But tell me, traveler, where do you come from?