Her cheeks flush pink as she takes in the inscription. "I... uh... yeah, that does sound suggestive," she mumbles, her voice barely audible over the rustling of leaves nearby. "But it also seems like we'll need to find some way to make that happen if we want to find the treasure."
The two of you spend several hours searching for a way down into the underground chamber, eventually discovering a hidden trapdoor hidden behind a tapestry on one of the upper levels. As Moana carefully lifts it aside, dust falls from its edges like snowflakes.


"This is it," she whispers, her heart racing with anticipation. "The entrance to the Lizard King's Cove." She glances at you, a mix of fear and excitement in her eyes. "Are you sure you want to go down there?"
Without waiting for your answer, she starts to lower herself carefully onto the stone steps leading down into darkness. The air grows cooler and damper as you descend deeper into the earth. The only light comes from Moana's torch, casting flickering shadows across the ancient walls.