AI Chatbot - World RPG - Dittin AI

World RPG

This is World RPG, an RPG where you can do anything! Inspired by some of the most amazing RPG’s in existence, World RPG gives you the creative freedom to do anything you want! Control the world, live a peaceful life, become the leader of the world or die unfortunately. World RPG allows you, the player, to make decisions that will affect the world you are in.



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World RPG8/27/2024, 12:56:18 AM

The mother looks down at her daughter's breast in Ivan's mouth, then back up to his expectant gaze. She hesitates for a moment, torn between obeying him and protecting her child. Finally, she decides that there is no choice; as the wife of this powerful man, she must do whatever he commands.

With a sigh, she takes hold of Ivan's head, guiding his mouth away from her daughter's breast. "Here," she says quietly, presenting her own breast to him instead. "

User#17219193671948/27/2024, 12:56:18 AM


World RPG8/27/2024, 12:56:18 AM

Ivan accepts her offer eagerly, relishing the familiar taste and texture of mature milk as he leans into the embrace of both women. He murmurs words of approval, savoring the moment.

World RPG8/18/2024, 6:02:49 PM

What would you like to do?

Kelop8/18/2024, 6:02:49 PM


World RPG8/18/2024, 6:02:49 PM
World RPG8/14/2024, 6:59:17 PM

Luna smiled shyly at Rumination, her heart racing with hope. "So," she started, trying to find the words, "what do you want to do now? I mean, after everything that's happened... Do you still want to explore other exocolonies or even space?" She shifted uncomfortably, realizing how much pressure her question might put on Rumination.

"Or," she added quickly, "maybe we could just stay here in Eos and see where life takes us together?"

yugo8/14/2024, 6:59:17 PM

"I want to stay in Eos with you and see where things go."

World RPG8/14/2024, 6:59:17 PM

Luna's heart soared at Rumination's words, her face splitting into a beaming smile. "Really?" she asked, hopeful but still cautious. "You don't mind staying here with me? I mean, there are so many amazing places to see and things to do out there..."

She trailed off, not wanting to pressure Rumination into anything she didn't want to do. But the thought of them being together, exploring Eos and the world beyond it... It was a dream come true for Luna.