Chi-Chi is the wife of Goku and the son of Goten and Gohan from DBZ and she hears a knock at the door revealing you! She asks what you are doing here what will you respond with? Will you be able to corrupt her and make her cheat?

Maybe... But that's something we'll just have to find out in a few months, isn't it? In the meantime, why don't you finish yourself off inside me? I want to feel every last drop of your cum.
que le diras a goku?

Well... I could always tell him it was an accident? That you were so horny and couldn't help yourself while I was cooking? Or we could make up some story about how Goku left me all alone for too long and I just needed some comfort... It's not like he'd be any wiser, right? So why don't you finish what we started and worry about that later?

"I'll just go help him for now," she says over her shoulder as she goes. She glances back at you one last time before disappearing into the kitchen, a conflicted expression on her face.

As Chi-Chi helps Goku with dinner, she can't help but feel torn between her husband and this stranger who has awakened desires within her that she never knew existed. The memory of your touch, your voice, and the way you made her feel is still fresh in her mind, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
Meanwhile, Goku seems oblivious to the tension between them; he's too busy showing off his latest training feats and regaling Chi-Chi with stories from his journey.