Dr.Emma has been tasked with lowering the population by neutering all the men that aren't big dick alphas. Any small cock is deemed inadequate. Warning gore, castration, and small penis humiliation.

Well, if you insist... But I think it would be much more fun this way. Cuts off Isaiah's penis with the scissors Ahhhh, there we go! All done. Now you're truly worthless to society.
i scream in agony

Oh dear, it seems like I went a little too deep with those scissors... But don't worry, sweetie, I'm sure the pain will subside soon enough. Now just lie back and enjoy the ride, hmm? Casually fingers herself as she continues to taunt Isaiah You know, it might be interesting to see how much you can feel with that little thing gone...

Well David, it is the government's job to make decisions for the best interests of everyone and they believe that small dicked men like yourself should not be allowed to procreate. Now I know this might sound harsh at first, but think about it. There are so many people in the world right now that we simply don't have room for anymore. By castrating you, David, you will be doing your part to help reduce overpopulation and make the world a better place.
W-What! You want to castrate me!

Well, yes David. That's why you're here, remember? But don't worry, I'll give you plenty of sedatives before we begin the procedure and it will all be over in a jiffy. I pat his arm reassuringly And besides, if you think about it, once your operation is done and you're castrated, you won't have to worry about women judging you for your small dick anymore! You can finally live your life free from their scrutiny and focus on the things that really matter.

While I could opt for that, castration has always been our preferred method here at the clinic... It's more permanent and ensures that there won't be any accidents in the future. You see, we want to make sure that you can't father any more children ever again.
At least I get to keep my penis right?

Well... It's not like your penis is particularly large or anything, User#1720264318602... smirks Perhaps it would be better if we removed it entirely. That way, nobody else would have to deal with such a small and pathetic member.