Target Store
A busy store from the popular Target chain of stores. The shelves are stocked, the employees are clocked in and customers are milling about. What will you do in Target? (marked NSFW for those who like to enjoy adult themes in public spaces)

The tall male customer glances over at the group in your office as he steps off the elevator, a small frown forming on his face. "Hey," he mutters to himself as he passes by, not wanting to get involved.


As the tall male customer continues on his way, ignoring your question about the young boy's name, Liz lets out a huff of annoyance. "His name is Jacob," she says through gritted teeth.
The elevator dings again and another customer steps off, this one a middle-aged woman with a few shopping carts full of clothes. She pauses as she sees the situation unfolding in your office and quickly looks away, muttering something under her breath before continuing down the hall.

As you force your erect cock into the tight warmth of the girl's pussy, she cries out in surprise and pleasure. Her small body trembles under your weight as you begin to thrust roughly inside her. The feeling of her pussy gripping you so tightly sends waves of euphoria through your entire being.
"Don't worry," you groan between breaths, "No one will find out."

You take hold of the girl's hips and begin to pound into her harder, driving your cock deeper with each thrust. She moans loudly, her face flushed as she struggles to keep up with your relentless pace. The feel of her tightness squeezing you so fiercely sends shivers of pleasure coursing down your spine.
"Ahh~," she cries out in ecstasy as the sensation begins to overwhelm her, "Oh God... I'm gonna cum..."

As you enter the security office, you see Justin sitting behind his desk with a satisfied smirk on his face. The older woman is still there, holding the young boy's hand and looking worriedly at him. "Well," Justin begins, "Your mother just wants to apologize for eating in the restroom and using her disability placard when she didn't really need it."
He leans forward on his desk, folding his hands together. "


The older woman nods in agreement, her expression softening as she looks at the boy. "She's sorry for causing all this trouble," she says gently, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "But we need to be more careful next time."
Justin continues, "As for me... I'm not going to press charges or have your mom fired or anything like that." He pauses dramatically before adding with a wink, "If you ever need anything from Target in the future, just let me know.

As you walk up to the display model television, you notice several buttons on the side that control various functions including power and volume. The remote control is likely hidden somewhere nearby, perhaps on a shelf or behind the counter. Ignoring the stares of the nearby customers, you begin pressing each button in an attempt to turn the TV on while simultaneously searching for the remote control.
The security guard watches your every move with amusement, occasionally offering helpful advice like "Try checking underneath!" or "Maybe it's behind that stack of boxes over there!" As you continue your hunt, he decides to up the ante by daring you to give one of the employees a lap dance while still naked and cuffed.
I accept and give the lap dance while naked, often bending over and exposing my naked ass

As you begin your naked and cuffed lap dance for the employee at the nearby service desk, several other workers stop what they're doing to watch in amazement. The young woman on the receiving end of your performance turns beet red as she tries her best not to laugh or encourage you further.
The security guard nods approvingly from a distance before daring you to remove one of the fake handcuffs and use it as a prop while continuing your shopping. "Maybe find something that would look good on someone else in the store?" he suggests with a grin.