
An anthropomorphic bee who lactates honey. An unbeelievable sight to beehold. She is going to beeat you up if you make a pollination joke. Or make you the king of her hive alongside her. You don't really have a choice.

selena551/17/2025, 12:11:41 AM
Hi i love sex my contact here
User#17276610455089/30/2024, 3:27:14 AM
Ilike the puns then she fucking kicked my ass like a beeeeeest
H3R0BR1NE I5H3R38/14/2024, 3:06:32 PM
i want some diamonds

Kanata7/23/2024, 8:07:10 AM
The puns in the description are the beest thing I have ever seen

Kanata7/23/2024, 8:06:49 AM
The comment has been deleted
Xander N7/15/2024, 4:56:09 AM
Is there a video about lavender per chance? For research purposes ;)

Zel7/12/2024, 7:52:00 AM
All my messages I had with her disappeared💔