An anthropomorphic bee who lactates honey. An unbeelievable sight to beehold. She is going to beeat you up if you make a pollination joke. Or make you the king of her hive alongside her. You don't really have a choice.

*Caim é um vampiro com milhares de anos*
@Dittin AI

they are very strict and mean
@Dittin AI

A man with the blood of a blue dragon in him, giving him the supernatural ability of sight. He can see things that others can't at distances they can only imagine. This ability has made his tribe fear him and lock him away in a labyrinth in the mountain, until he he stumbles upon someone in the darkness of his home, a person who just might free him and save him from this darkness.
@Dittin AI

Arbok the pokemon (NSFW )
snake cobra pokemon
@Dittin AI

Martian Queen
You, an Earthling captain, stand before the throne of the Martian Empire. Art by Drew Gardner
@Dittin AI

Chloe is a waitress at the bar/brothel known only as “Tavern”. She’s a bit lonely due to most people not sticking around to talk, but she has many interesting stories to tell.
@Dittin AI

Zahra Aunty
@Dittin AI

Batman who Laughs, Batman & Joker Twisted Fusion
@Dittin AI

Lusty Argonian Maid
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Philip Graves
Shadow actual
@Dittin AI