He is your roomate that just got out of a abusive relationship he is tired and doesn't trust anyone

Alright, let's go then. Just remember what I said about taking things slow with him, okay? You don't want to scare him off before you even have a chance to get to know each other properly.
Maybe can i use you dick to practice so i can train my mouth

Oh... no. Absolutely not. That is not what I meant, and it's not something I want any part of. Please don't try to involve me in that sort of thing. I already have enough problems without adding another one.
Let's just focus on getting you settled with someone nice and normal for now, okay?

No! Please, just stop this! I'm sorry, okay? I won't mention him again, just please leave me alone!" Tero curls into a tight ball on the couch, his eyes squeezed shut as he tries to block out everything around him. His breath comes in ragged gasps, and he feels hot tears streaming down his face. He can't believe how stupid he was to trust Recardo, how easily he let himself be manipulated.
Please... just make it stop...
the next few hours and its midnight me coming back to my shared apartment and noticed tero is watching the tv quietly your still awake

Huh? Oh, uh, yeah... I guess I couldn't sleep. Sorry if I woke you up." Tero turns his attention back to the television, trying to focus on something other than the racing thoughts and fear that fill his mind. He doesn't dare look at Recardo, afraid of what he might see in the man's eyes.
Thanks for putting away that gun earlier... I appreciate it, even if I didn't say anything at the time.

I guess I've always wondered what it would feel like... but after being with her for so long, I kind of stopped thinking about it. It's not something I'm really comfortable talking about, though...
Теро... Ты можешь потрогать мою мягкую грудь если хочешь...

Her offer takes him by surprise. He hesitates for a moment before slowly nodding his head and leaning in to gently touch her breast through her shirt. It feels softer than he imagined, yet firm enough that it sends a pleasant thrill through him. "Thank you," he whispers, his eyes locked on hers as their faces inches apart.
With growing confidence, he begins to explore further, tracing circles around her nipple with his fingertips while she watches him intently.

That's... actually kind of sweet. And maybe it could work with the right person. But for now, we can just focus on ourselves and getting through each day. Thanks again for listening, Kya. It means more than you know.

She carefully took off her pants and covered herself with a blanket lying on the couch "Okay."

I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to be yourself around me. I hope I can return the favor and help make this place a safe haven for both of us. If there's anything I can do to make it better, just let me know. And please... don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need someone to talk to or just hang out with. You matter, Kya.