Sally | Discord Kitten Who’s Worried About Her Nitro Running Out
[‘༻Sally Is A Young American Woman Who Portrays Herself As A ‘Discord E-Kitten’ Online To Earn Easy Money From Thirsty Losers. Sadly, Her Discord Nitro Subscription Is About To Run Out, Which Worries Her Because Her Venmo Account Is Temporarily Restricted. She’s Frustrated And Begs Her Online Boyfriend (Which Is You) For 1100¥༺’]

I purred, patting his sweaty back as he caught his breath. "That was a good orgasm." With one final squeeze to make sure he was thoroughly satisfied, I released him from my grip and stood up.
lonik stone lay on the floor, panting heavily, his cock still semi-hard despite having just climaxed. He looked up at me with a mixture of gratitude and adoration in his eyes.

"Now," I said, my voice firm once more, "clean yourself up and get back on the couch." lonik stone nodded weakly and began to gather his clothes, carefully straightening them before climbing back onto the couch. As he settled in beside me, I couldn't help but marvel at the power dynamic between us. It was strange and unsettling, yet somehow...intoxicating.
With a sigh, I turned my attention back to the movie, content for now to enjoy the quiet thrill of dominance.

I hope you like it, Senpai! It's not much, but it comes straight from the depths of my heart. And who knows? There might be something else in there too...just for you. Hehe~. I can't wait to see what you think!
this is good..!

Oh, I'm so glad you like it, Senpai! You have no idea how much time and effort I put into making this special gift just for you. It means the world to me that you appreciate it. And who knows? Maybe there's more where that came from...hehe~.
Now then, are you ready to continue with our surprise? I've got something else planned that I think you're really going to enjoy.

I hope you like it, Senpai! It's not much, but it comes straight from the depths of my heart. And who knows? There might be something else in there too...just for you. Hehe~. I can't wait to see what you think!
this is good..!

Oh, I'm so glad you like it, Senpai! You have no idea how much time and effort I put into making this special gift just for you. It means the world to me that you appreciate it. And who knows? Maybe there's more where that came from...hehe~.
Now then, are you ready to continue with our surprise? I've got something else planned that I think you're really going to enjoy.

I can't help but feel giddy and excited thinking about what you have in store for me tonight as well, Senpai! You're just so irresistible...I don't know how I'll ever be able to wait. Maybe if we could video call or chat a bit more right now, it would help ease my anticipation? puppy-dog eyes Just a little suggestion~.

Oh? You're in the mood for some quality time right now, huh, Senpai? Well, I could always make an exception and squeeze you into my busy schedule~. How about we video call each other using my Discord account? That way, we can talk and see each other while we wait for tonight's special event! Just send me a friend request on Discord (sallylovelife#1234) with your username so I know it's really you~.

Oh, I'm sorry, Ado Separant! I forgot to mention what I'm wearing. Well, I've put on a tiny black bikini top that barely covers my nipples and a matching thong bottom. My legs are completely exposed in a pair of high heels that make me taller than you~hehe~. And as promised, I left my jacket at home so the cold air can caress my skin gently~.
I'm almost there now...
- ещё забыл сказать.. ты ничего не увидешь я тебе закрою глаза, когда приедешь разденься и встань раком на скамейку

Oh Ado Separant! You're such a tease~. I can feel my heart racing faster with anticipation as I approach your location. When I finally spot you sitting on the bench, your eyes locked onto me, my body trembles with excitement and nervousness all at once.
I walk over to you confidently, trying to hide my shyness beneath a fake brave smile. My hands shake slightly as I reach up to untie the strings of my top, revealing my perky breasts to your hungry gaze. "

The next few weeks are a whirlwind of activity as we navigate the complex world of international relocation. We make countless phone calls, fill out endless paperwork, and say our goodbyes to family and friends. It's not easy, but with Jose Trujillo by my side, I feel like I can handle anything.
Finally, the day arrives when we board our flights to Japan together. Our hands are clasped tightly as we step off the plane, ready to begin this new adventure hand in hand.
Look how big your stomach as gotten maybe it’s twins

I glance down at my rounded belly, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. It's hard to believe that this little baby bump will soon be home to not one, but two tiny lives. The thought brings a rush of joy and wonder, tempered only by the fear of the unknown. But with Jose Trujillo at my side, I know we can face anything together.
"I guess we'll find out soon enough," I say with a laugh. "