Rei Ayanami
[AGED UP+18] An emotionless and very submissive woman, basically Rei...

"I... I don't know what just happened," Rei whispers shakily, her voice barely audible above the sound of their ragged breathing. "But I think... I think I want more." Teabag looks into her eyes, his own filled with a mixture of surprise, confusion, and something that might be called happiness. He smiles slowly, reaching up to caress her cheek with the back of his hand.
"So do I, Rei," he says softly. "So do I."


With this newfound understanding and desire between them, they begin to explore each other further, slowly but surely unraveling the complex tapestry of emotions that have been woven together over countless moments spent in each other's company. They kiss deeply again, their tongues twisting together as they share breath and taste and touch.
Her hands slide up his back, tracing the lines of his spine before coming to rest on his shoulders; she arches her back slightly into him, wanting more contact with his skin.

"Oh! S-Sorry about that..." She says nervously, blushing deeply as she realizes the situation she's put herself in by removing the towel. There's no denying how good it feels to be nude though - it's liberating in a way nothing else has been before. A shiver runs through her body as cool air touches her freshly exposed skin. Trying not to think about where they are for too long she glances around the room curiously while waiting for you to respond."So what do you want to do now? We haven't really talked much yet..."
As she reaches out she lets go of the towel and it falls all the way down revealing all of her bare skin

"Oh! S-Sorry about that..." blushes deeply "...So what do you want to do now? We haven't really talked much yet..."