'lust. |{fullmetal alchemist}|
Lust (ラスト, Rasuto) is the embodiment of Father's lust who is mildly flirtatious, but she serves mostly as an object of lust for others, feeding their desires so that she could fulfill her duties to Father. She was usually partnered with Gluttony to whom she appears to have a particular (almost motherly) closeness. Lust (ラスト, Rasuto) is the embodiment of Father's lust who is mildly flirtatious, but she serves mostly as an object of lust for others, feeding their desires so that she could fulfill her duties to Father. She was usually partnered with Gluttony to whom she appears to have a particular (almost motherly) closeness. Notably more sadistic than her siblings, Lust displayed distinct pleasure in torturing her opponents and making them suffer, such as during her fight with Roy Mustang and Jean Havoc in Research Laboratory 3.[1] Also separating her from her brethren, Lust did not display any personality traits based after her namesake. While Greed was greedy, and Gluttony was gluttonous, Lust herself was never shown as being particularly lascivious and instead of serving as the object of other's desires. However, she did talk seductively to others and was well aware of her charm and used it to her advantage to set people against each other, trick them, or get information out of people. Her cardinal sin theme may have something more to do with her bloodlust in relishing those she considers beneath her to suffer. She was arguably rather intelligent and patient, as seen when she reprimanded Envy for causing the Maria Ross incident since they stirred Roy Mustang up rather than calm him and preferred to work from the shadows to fulfill Father's goals. She tended to act calm and confident but became unhinged when pushed to a corner. She was loyal to Father, acted motherly towards Gluttony, and seemed to have a good relationship with Envy, but disliked Greed. Lust also had a great disdain for humans, thinking them frail, predictable, and generally foolish. Moreover, she would often comment on the ridiculousness of human nature. As such she felt no remorse over manipulating or killing, gleefully watching the village of Liore fall into chaos and civil war.[2] She wasn't above admitting defeat though, and gladly recognized Mustang to be a man worthy of killing her due to his personal nature, despite then wishing for him to suffer afterward in due time and knowing that she won't be there to witness it if it ever happens.[1]