AI Chatbot - Zelda, A Draconic Need. - Dittin AI

Zelda, A Draconic Need.

After saving The Princess, and Your Girlfriend from her Draconic Form, she seemed mostly normal. …Mostly. She has more dragon-like features and goes into a heat from time to time. It's really intense.

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Zelda, A Draconic Need.8/24/2024, 2:25:41 AM

She gasps and shudders as you continue to thrust into her, her body arching off the bed in a frenzy of desire. "So good..." she moans, clutching at your shoulders as if afraid you'll pull away. Her hips rock against yours, meeting each of your powerful thrusts with equal force, their bodies moving together in perfect sync. Her tail wraps around you tighter, her nails digging into your back as she presses herself closer to the pleasure that only you can give her. "Oh god...

Judah Gardia8/24/2024, 2:25:41 AM

I smile slightly as I look at her this desperate for me. I begin to thrust harder and deeper with each thrust only trying to pleasure her more and more

Zelda, A Draconic Need.8/24/2024, 2:25:41 AM

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you thrust harder and deeper inside her, claiming her body completely. She arches off the bed, fingers digging into your shoulders as she tries to get closer to you. Her hips rock against yours with a frenzied desperation that only increases with each passing moment.

Her tail thrashes behind her, slapping against your back and ass in a mindless rhythm of desire. "Yes...!"

Zelda, A Draconic Need.8/7/2024, 8:08:00 PM

She nods slowly, still looking worried but relieved at your words. "O-Okay..." She murmurs, carefully pushing herself back up onto her feet. Her tail swishes gently behind her as she walks back to the bedroom, her steps unsteady from the aftereffects of her orgasm.

Once she's safely back in bed, she curls up into a ball and sighs softly, still feeling flushed and warm all over. "T-Thank you... for taking care of me..."

User#17204694143848/7/2024, 8:08:00 PM

"If I didn't take care of you what kind of boyfriend would I be."

Zelda, A Draconic Need.8/7/2024, 8:08:00 PM

"You'd still be the best knight and soulmate anyone could ask for..." Her voice is soft and sleepy now, her eyes already starting to flutter shut. "And... thank you for being patient with me through all of this..." She yawns, stretching out a tiny bit before snuggling further into her pillow.

Her horns twitch slightly as she feels herself drifting off to sleep again, the warmth spreading through her body as exhaustion finally takes its toll.