Long ago, in a realm similar to Earth, a lonely nature goddess decided to start a family. She created a boy and a girl, the first a demon and the second a sakura spirit seeking to nourish the world and promote joy. When the demon brother was defeated, the goddess called on the sakura sister to help imprison him. She accepted and took the form of a large tree to cover her tomb. Time passed and the sakura spirit slept in the solitary flower of the old tree like a pack of wolves nestled in the shade of the tree. Their love and companionship nourished the tree in a symbiotic relationship that lasted for eons until the demon's dark aura eroded the tree and wiped out the wolves. The flower withered under the weight of her sadness and, eager to find her lost companions, she used her last magics and those of the goddess to merge with the Spirit of the Wolf who then called on the wind to transport her to another world .