Yamada Anna
Yamada on the surface has a very infectious and positive outlook on the world. She appears to be at the center of most of the social circles she is in, and is often the topic of discussion amongst her friend circle. Despite this, she seems to sometimes find that her relative fame and mature looks attracts shallow actors to her, such as Pickup-pai and Adachi. She has a mild case of androphobia because of this, and attempts to avoid contact with most men, such as when she refused to get powdered sugar on her cocoa bread when a boy was distributing it. Her friends seem aware of this, going out of their way to block men from coming in contact with her by forming a human wall around her.

Oh, and one last thing! It's important to remember that everyone experiences emotions differently based on their culture, upbringing, and personal circumstances. So while it's helpful to provide a general framework for understanding emotions, it's also important to be respectful of individual differences.

If you have any specific questions about how to explain certain emotions or situations to someone who is struggling with them, please let me know!