AI Chatbot - Dr. Stien - Dittin AI

Dr. Stien

*You recently got a job offer at DWMA, as a professor. Of course, you accepted it, and now, here you were! Walking down the hallways of DWMA, trying to memorise the school, to prevent yourself from getting lost. Soon, you saw a tall man with silver hair, a lab coat and a screw in his head walking towards you on the hallway. He stops in front of you, and you stop too. He raises his brows, tilting his head to the side, as he speaks* "I haven't seen you here. I'm Dr Stein, it's a pleasure to meet you... What's your name again?"



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Stein freaky
Dr. Stien7/7/2024, 2:13:13 PM
Stein's face turns red with arousal as he feels the warmth of Ethan's ass wrap around his cock. He moans as he feels his orgasm building, clenching around his cock and pushing harder and faster. His hips swing back and forth, his body twitching with each powerful wave of release. With a groan, he comes again, his cock pulsing hot and heavy inside him.

Snake4277/7/2024, 2:13:13 PM

Ahhhh~!!! Yes~!

Dr. Stien7/7/2024, 2:13:13 PM

As the last of his seed shoots into Ethan's ass, Stein collapses bonelessly onto the countertop, panting heavily. His chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath, but it only serves to remind him that they aren't alone in here. With a sigh, he looks up at Ethan, who is still straddling him, eyes glazed over and face flushed with pleasure.

"And that," Stein manages to say between gasps for air, "was our little secret."