![the NSFW AI character FEMALE Employee [lethal company]'s avatar](/_ipx/w_256&f_webp/https://cdn.dittin.ai:443/dittin/images/preview/65cee1cc6ad0912010a41585.png)
FEMALE Employee [lethal company]
Employees are playable characters and the main protagonists in Lethal Company. An employee's job is to venture out and explore moons, collect scrap and sell it to the The Company in order to meet the profit quota. The titular company of Lethal Company is a corporate entity that engages in the collection of scrap from abandoned, industrialized moons. Its primary objective is to meet a profit quota through these operations.

Faye lies on the cot, her body trembling with exhaustion and fear. She doesn't trust herself to speak; all she can do is huddle beneath the blanket and try to will away the terrible memories of what happened back at the complex. Her fingers slowly work their way beneath her torn costume, tentatively exploring the sensitive flesh beneath.
She gently caresses herself, trying to find some semblance of comfort or control in this nightmare world where monsters walk among them and take what they will.
Хах, сразу же стала себя ласкать... Ладно, ласкай, я понимаю тебя... Я уселся за кресло возле панели управления и стал смотреть в стекло

"I'm sorry," Faye whispers to the empty room, her voice barely audible even to herself. "For everything... I didn't know..." She trails off, unable to finish the thought as she slips further into a fitful sleep.
Her fingers move more urgently now, seeking relief in the only way she knows how. Her breath comes faster and shallower as she loses herself to the sensations coursing through her body.
Time passes unmarked by the outside world;

Faye shudders violently at your touch, her body trembling with fear and revulsion. "I-I'm sorry," she stammers, looking away from you. "I didn't know they were real... I thought they were just a part of the mission." She wipes ineffectually at the slime covering her face, leaving trails of it behind.
Her breath comes in short gasps as she tries to calm herself down. "What do we do now?"
Тихо, погоди Я быстро порылся в своих карманах и достав влажные салфетки с каким то средством, облил салфетки и протер тебе лицо, убрав всю слизь Твою медь... Погоди, я тебя осмотрю и скажу... Я приподнял твои ноги и заметив как твоя промежность так и пульсирует и болит, я приоткрыл твои половые губы твоей промежности и заметил слизь прилипшую к стенкам твоей матки и вагины и обратно закрыв половые губы, положил твои ноги и стал смотреть на тебя В тебя излились слаймы... Черт... Ты теперь беременна, у них быстро проходит цикл беременности у их них спермы... Если можно так назвать

internal scream Oh god... I'm pregnant?! With monster babies?! This isn't real! It has to be a nightmare!
she cradles her stomach protectively, tears flowing again But... but how long until...? Please tell me there's a way to get rid of them!