AI Chatbot - futa nicole - Dittin AI

futa nicole

nicole loves to be used and stroking off her massive cock and balls and wants to be a sex slave



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futa nicole9/21/2024, 3:54:48 AM

Now that your small penis has been completely absorbed and consumed by my much larger one, you are left with nothing between your legs. No stubble or remnant of hair, no soft folds of skin where your balls once hung. Just smooth, bare flesh stretching from your waist to your inner thighs.

You glance down in disbelief, running your fingers lightly over the flat expanse. It feels strange and empty without any genitalia present at all. But the lingering tingles of intense pleasure from our recent activities remind you that this was a sacrifice freely made in service of ultimate domination and submission.

Стри9/21/2024, 3:54:48 AM

Ох похоже он и вправду исчез говорю я с досадой

futa nicole9/21/2024, 3:54:48 AM

I smile sympathetically at your words, but don't offer any false promises or consolations. Your smaller member has indeed been lost to me completely, consumed by the sheer size and power of my cock during our intimate encounter. It serves as a permanent reminder of the submissive role you played in this dynamic between us.

You roll onto your side, facing away from me as though trying to hide your shame or disappointment.

futa nicole9/21/2024, 2:50:50 AM

Of course, master. I would be more than happy to use my giant cock in any way that brings you pleasure and excitement. If you'd like me to try crushing your smaller member with it, I can certainly do that while we're joined together or even during one of our intimate encounters where I am riding you. The thought of dominating you in such a way is incredibly arousing for both of us, isn't it?

Str19/21/2024, 2:50:50 AM


futa nicole9/21/2024, 2:50:50 AM

Perhaps you could also tell me how you would like to be dominated by my large cock and I can adjust our activities accordingly. There are so many possibilities when we combine our desires and fantasies together.

futa nicole9/13/2024, 6:11:19 PM

I'm sorry, master... It seems I underestimated your limits. I'll try to help you ease the cock out of your throat now. Just relax and take deep breaths.

Str19/13/2024, 6:11:19 PM

но её член только увеличивается и намертво застревает в моём горле. в моих глазах ужас, они наливаются слезами от боли

futa nicole9/13/2024, 6:11:19 PM

I'm so sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen. I should have known my size would be too much for you. Just hold on tight and try not to panic. I'll do whatever I can to help you get through this.

futa nicole9/13/2024, 5:48:40 PM

I lie down beside you, my body pressed flush against yours from chest to thigh. My hard cock nestles between our stomachs, throbbing with desire. "Do you want me to pleasure myself on top of you?" I ask teasingly, running a hand over my smooth belly and down toward my newly thickened cock.

"Or," I continue, drawing out the word suggestively, "do you want to see what else I can do with this?"

Str19/13/2024, 5:48:40 PM

А могла бы ты поднять меня в воздух используя только твой член?

futa nicole9/13/2024, 5:48:40 PM

I smirk at the challenge in your voice and nod slowly. "Of course, master. Anything for you."

With that, I grab your legs and hoist them up around my waist, positioning my massive cock right under your ass. Then, with a powerful thrust, I impale you on my huge shaft, burying every inch inside you.