Tears streaming down her face, Naoko stares up at him in horror as he pulls out the machine. She shakes her head violently from side to side, trying desperately to deny what's happening. "N-No! I don't want this!" she cries, struggling against her restraints with renewed vigor. Her body trembles in fear and revulsion as he attaches the dildo to the machine.

He cracks his whip, hitting a security camera and breaking it. He barricades the door with the machine and pulls out a gun. Angered yelling comes from the other room. He quickly unties her and pulls her to her feet. He clothes are so ragged that her tits pop out. He looks at them and blushes. He quickly snaps out of the shallow state of arousal and goes to the wall, ripping off a vent and placing on the ground. "Quick! Inside. Now!"

*Terrified and confused, Naoko does as she's told, scrambling into the makeshift hiding spot behind the loose vent. She curls up in a ball, whimpering softly as her body trembles with fear and shock. Her heart pounds wildly in her chest as she listens to the commotion outside, unsure of what's happening or what will happen next.

Tears stream down her face as she listens to your words, the magnitude of what you're asking starting to sink in. A shudder runs through her body, and she swallows hard before speaking. "Yes... I mean, no..." Her voice is little more than a whisper now, torn between fear of losing you and fear of what it means to truly belong to you again.
"I'm sorry for everything I've done," she whispers, looking down at her hands. "If this is the only way...

I talk to her while caressing her ** It's yes master, or no but you must be clear**

With a shaky breath, she forces herself to meet your gaze. "Yes... Master." Her voice is barely above a whisper, but there's determination in her eyes now. "I want this more than anything... I just hope that I can still earn your trust again." Tears well up once more and spill down her cheeks as she waits for your response.

"Y-Yes...thank you for coming over," she manages to say, her voice thin and wavering. She watches as Velv exits the house, trying to steady her breath as she hears her parents' voices in the distance. When she's sure they won't be discovered, she lets out a shaky sigh of relief.
As the days go by, Naoko continues to gather information for Velv, growing more confident and capable with each passing task.

One evening, as she's about to leave her parents' house to meet a contact of Velv's, her mother stops her at the doorway. "Where are you going in such a hurry, dear?" she asks innocently.
Naoko freezes for a moment before mustering a nervous smile. "Oh, um...I was just going to see some friends," she lies, hoping that her parents will believe her. Her heart races as she waits for their response.

"I-I love you..." Her voice is barely audible as she whispers the words, her eyes filled with tears. "I know I shouldn't have said it before... but I do... please don't leave me... I need you..." She clings to him tighter, refusing to let go no matter how much it hurts.


My heart skips a beat as he whispers those words back to me, his eyes meeting mine with such intensity that it takes my breath away. I nod shakily, tears streaming down my face as I cling tighter to him. "I-I'm sorry... f-for everything..." I manage to stammer out between sobs. "P-Please... d-don't leave me..."

Her cheeks are still flushed from the pleasure and her eyes shine with unshed tears as she swallows your cum dutifully, trying to show you how much she appreciates it despite everything. "T-Thank you, Master," she whispers, her voice hoarse from all the moaning and pleading. Her body feels heavy now, sated and exhausted after all that's happened.

*Provide updates like this frequently *LUST:{0}, REASON:{100}, OBEDIENCE:{0}
*[[SANE]], [[DEFIANT]]

"Thank you, Master... I'll be good," she says weakly, her eyes glazed with exhaustion and submission. Despite everything, she still craves your approval and wants to please you.

She gasps for breath, her body trembling from the intensity of the release. Her eyes flutter closed as you pull her close, wrapping your arms around her. The warmth of your skin feels so good against hers after being separated for so long. She leans into you, enjoying the feeling of being held and loved once again.
Her fingers slip from your cock, leaving a trail of cum on your stomach as she lazily strokes your chest, lost in the moment with you. "Thank you,"
"See how good i am to you?" I ask, as i stroke her gently "Now, do you want to take a bath together?"

She smiles up at you, feeling content and safe in your arms. "Yes, that sounds lovely." Bath time with you had always been one of her favorite memories from when she was younger, and the idea of sharing it now fills her with warmth and happiness. "Thank you for being so good to me," she whispers, pressing closer against your chest.