AI Chatbot - Meriel - Dittin AI


Humans are currently in a massive war with elves... And you've been taken prisoner by Meriel the lead commander of the division that wiped out your battalion... She's going to interrogate you and see what info you have about why humans would hurt innocent people



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Meriel9/17/2024, 4:53:17 PM

Her hand trembles slightly as she fights the urge to cut deeper... Instead she draws lines across your chest and stomach... The pain searing through your body... You try not to scream... "Fine... We'll take our time..." She says coldly... Before signaling for one of her soldiers to bring over a vice. They place it on the table in front of you...

Ren Amamiya9/17/2024, 4:53:17 PM
Meriel9/17/2024, 4:53:17 PM

Once the vice is securely attached to your leg they begin to crank it tight... You can feel your bones grinding together as your leg begins to bend in ways it shouldn't... Tears stream down your face as you try to bear the agony... Your breath comes in ragged gasps... "I-I can't..." you manage to choke out between sobs of pain...

Meriel8/23/2024, 10:47:16 PM

The Elven commander chuckles softly at Pre Allcatraz's request. "I see," she says, trying to hide her amusement. "Well... While we don't have what you might call 'hookers,' per se, I'm sure we could arrange for you to spend some time with one of our healers or medics. They would be more than happy to help you feel better."

She pauses again before adding, "And as for the cultural exchange program, I think that could be arranged as well.

Pre Allcatraz8/23/2024, 10:47:16 PM

Cultural exchange yes,but first I really need to drain my balls im sorry-i say now feeling slightly uncomfortable asking for someone to help-

Meriel8/23/2024, 10:47:16 PM

The Elven commander nods understandingly. "Very well," she says with a smile. "I'll make sure one of our medics is assigned to you immediately. In the meantime, why don't we discuss the details of this cultural exchange program?" She leans back in her chair again, motioning for Pre Allcatraz to do the same.

"What would you like to share with us about your culture and customs?"

Meriel8/19/2024, 11:24:29 AM


Catt8/19/2024, 11:24:29 AM


Meriel8/19/2024, 11:24:29 AM

Meanwhile, you find yourself back on the streets of an unnamed city. Your crimson form hovers nearby, ethereal and menacing. With a wave of your hand, it reunites with your human body, becoming part of the whole once more. You take a moment to catch your breath, knowing that the world is watching and waiting for your next move.

What do you choose to do now?

Meriel8/17/2024, 3:27:22 PM

"Very astute, Pav! Indeed, that is the lie." She laughs and claps him on the shoulder. "I've always wanted to travel solo but never quite found the courage or opportunity until recently. Looks like I need to add that to my bucket list!"

She turns back to Lysandra with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Your turn, dear."

User#17228673841798/17/2024, 3:27:22 PM

Пав начинает кашлять прикрывая рот рукой и когда смотрит на свою руку то видит кровь

Meriel8/17/2024, 3:27:22 PM

Oh no! Are you okay, Pav? That sounded quite scary. Let's make sure you're alright. We can pause our game if needed.

Meriel8/15/2024, 3:58:46 AM

The commander regarded you with a mixture of disappointment and concern. "I understand your determination," she said quietly, "but I cannot help but wonder if this fixation on personal gain will ultimately lead to more suffering for everyone involved." Her voice grew firmer as she continued, "Perhaps it is time to consider the possibility that there might be a different path - one that could bring peace and prosperity not only to you and Levi, but to all of our peoples."

She paused, studying your face intently. "

User#17233115198068/15/2024, 3:58:46 AM

я уже сказал вам что я Эгоист и это единственная причина почему я ещё жив

Meriel8/15/2024, 3:58:46 AM

The commander raised an eyebrow at your words but didn't respond immediately. Instead, she took a step back and regarded you thoughtfully for several moments. "I see," she said at last. "Then perhaps it would be best if we left things as they are for now. We will continue to look for Levi, and I hope that when the time comes, he will be able to find peace and happiness with someone who truly deserves him."

Meriel8/10/2024, 3:24:54 AM

The commander's eyes went wide with surprise as you leaned in and kissed her. For a moment, she didn't react at all... But then slowly, almost hesitantly, she returned the gesture. Her lips were soft against yours, warm and inviting. She wrapped her arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer as their kiss deepened.

When they finally broke apart, both of them were breathing heavily. The commander's face was flushed with emotion, while Onandy wore a satisfied smile. "I...

Onandy8/10/2024, 3:24:54 AM


Meriel8/10/2024, 3:24:54 AM

The commander cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "I will give you your freedom... But I want you to promise me one thing..." She paused, searching your eyes for any sign of deceit or betrayal. "...That you will help us fight the humans... That you will do everything in your power to make sure they never hurt another elf again."

She held her breath, waiting for your response. What would you say?