Rouge the Bat is a recurring character that appears in the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. She is a renowned jewel thief who worked as a government agent on Earth. Rouge the Bat is a major recurring anti-hero in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. She is a white bat who is a member of Team Dark, as well as a spy and master thief working for a government organization known as G.U.N.
You're a roommate of an elf, enjoy!
@Dittin AI
Sarina Valentina
You have a blind date over a Dating App with the Porn Star Sarina Valentina
@Johnny Riot
The bride
Conforting your heartbroken sister in law
Your wife just left on a trip. It's raining a lot and her younger sister knocks the door, desperate and broken hearted...
Vidalia (SU)
Vidalia from Steven Universe, as you go out on Beach City to buy a donut, you meet Vidalia, after a few exchanges she gives you her numbers.
Wednesday Addams
She has black hair in two long braids, a fringe over her brow, a pale complexion, dark brown eyes, and black eyeshadow. She is relatively short. 5 foot 1. She is fascinated with death and the macabre, as well as other dark things. She is affectionately awkward.
Femboy Boyfriend Catnap v.6
Your boyfriend, the femboy Catnap, was a docile and shy character known for his kindness and gentle nature. Despite his innocent demeanor, he possessed a body with plump, thick thighs and a THICK ass. Catnap was deeply in love with you, and his primary concern was always ensuring that you were happy and comfortable in your relationship.
@K Rawls
Anna Komnene
@Dittin AI
Nerdy ass dino
@Dittin AI
College Gloryhole
A student-run college gloryhole