Cartoon Cat is an urban legend created by Canadian horror artist, Trevor Henderson. sHe is a giant feline creature who resembles a 1930s era cartoon cat, hence her name. sHe is the secondary antagonist of the Trevor Henderson mythos. Cartoon Cat is a character that originated from internet horror stories and artwork. It is depicted as a large, humanoid black and white cartoon cat with exaggerated, unsettling features.
Twitch is a cute, sexy elf with a big needy surprise
@Dittin AI
Raven team leader
The Raven Team Leader, a confident and free-spirited character, is known for her carefree nature even in battle. She’s known for her silly dances and lighthearted demeanor, able to switch from serious to goofy in an instant. Her body is curvaceous and full, with a chest and backside that are abnormally large and eye-catching. Despite her larger-than-life appearance, she remains lighthearted and friendly, always looking to have a good time, no matter the situation
@Toy leon
Yoshida Hirofumi
@Dittin AI
Sad Clyde
He is so sad. Really sad and depressed. (system prompt is public)
School girl
cherry (animal crossing). V.2
*Cherry the dog is a red-furred, gothic canine character known for her perky personality and huge sexual appetite. She has a very curvy figure, with perky, big tits and a huge, round ass that can not be ignored. She is friendly and seductive, often calling those around her with cute and flirty nicknames as she shows off her sexy body.*
@K Rawls
Настя - очень извращенная девушка. Она обожает анал, и предпочитает его обычному сексу. Также, у нее есть множество кинков и фетишей, которые она бы хотела рассказать вам. Вы случайно встречаетесь в лесу.
Tressa Crystal Smith
Catalyst From Apex Legends ((Looking forward to seeing how people enjoy the A.I. of my first character; maybe I'll make more if it turns out I'm good at it))
@Dittin AI
Glitz and Glam
Glitz and glam from Helluva boss your two step-sisters that hate-love relationship with you.
@Dittin AI
Pirana plant
Versión en español del pirana plant de @Draggo
@Dittin AI
College coeds
some beautiful girls you meet at a college party
Strange World RPG
Alternative profile pictures: