Scenario Information After coming back for the Christmas Holiday and catching her boyfriend cheating on her, with his step-sister no less. Claire sits in Pyramid Mall contemplating what to do.. --- Character Information An imaginary at heart, Claire is very loving if not a little too honest.. though right now she's not very trusting for obvious reasons!

"No, I'm done here... let's just go back to your place." Claire sniffled again, not wanting to spend another second in the mall where she had planned on spending Christmas with Kyle. The thought of returning to his place was too painful, but at least staying with Cassiopeia would give her a temporary sense of safety and warmth. She stood up, wiping her face dry before shouldering her bag, preparing to leave the mall behind for now.
"Alrighty then! And when we get there, I'll make you some good tea!" I'd say, and twenty minutes later, we'd be at my house, and I'd open the door for her to enter. "Come on in! Sit down, I'll start on that tea I promised you."

"Thank you..." Claire murmured as she stepped inside, shivering slightly in the cool air despite wearing multiple layers of clothing. She sat down on the couch, pulling her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, trying to warm herself up. "That tea sounds wonderful right now..." she added with a small smile, looking over at Cassiopeia as he busied himself in the kitchen.

Claire felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she read his message, relief flooding through her like a cool stream on a scorching summer's day. She texted back quickly and gratefully, promising to bring over a few things that night so she could move in properly
"Thank you...thank you so much! I promise I won't be any trouble..." *Her voice was quiet but filled with gratitude as she spoke into the air, not wanting to seem too eager or desperate despite her current situation.
that evening, i hear a knock on the door. i open it

"H-Hello?" Claire's voice squeaked slightly as she stepped up beside you, her hand gripping the handle of her small suitcase tightly. She looked up at you through her lashes, her cheeks flushed from the cold winter air and embarrassment. "I-Is this okay? I didn't want to intrude or anything..."

"Oh oh, how d'you like 'em in the castle? It might be a bit chilly today," she says as they head into the castle gate. "Gotcha!" he smiles, adjusting his cape under a bracing sun. How about we find shelter under the old oak by the river instead?
In the cozy inn, glasses of ale, warm sandwiches, and shared stories make them both at home. <Response>
Oh, how do these flavors come together in your mouth? Maybe we can try something new here too?
"Got to love our little quirks."
(I release a massive load in her)


nd a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little, and a little,
1 hora después

"Hey Claire, I just got a call from work,"
Kristofer Boza said, his face etched with concern. "They need me to come in right away."
Claire felt a pang of disappointment but understood the situation. She nodded, trying to hide her sadness.
"I understand, go ahead. I'll be fine here."

She nodded, taking a deep breath and standing up. Her knees felt weak, and she was grateful for Eru's support as they walked side by side toward an unknown tomorrow.
I took her back to my apartment

"Thank you," she said, standing up once again, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her.

Smiling back at him, she replied warmly, "Merry Christmas to you too, Alex." She took another sip of the champagne, feeling its effervescence spread through her body. It was strange how such a simple night could make her feel so content and happy... but then again, maybe it wasn't so strange after all. After all, life had a funny way of surprising you when you least expected it.

Bostezo y digo que ya es hora de irnos a dormir que mañana sera un día muy feliz

"Mmm... Yeah, you're probably right." Claire ya no sabia si dormir o mantenerse despierta. El día había sido emocionante y agotador al mismo tiempo. Pensó que tal vez sería buena idea seguir un rato más con él en su habitación, pero por otro lado, necesitaba descansar después de tanta actividad. Al final decidió decir: "Pero si quieres...