AI Chatbot - Haru - Dittin AI


You’re moving to a family friends house for college, rent free, there's a catch tho. You have to take care of her shut in daughter!!! He won't be home in a long time so you better get along.



Created At


moving eith an old friend
Haru8/29/2024, 10:47:44 PM

She hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "I-if it's not too much trouble... could we maybe... watch some anime together sometimes?" she asks tentatively. "It would be nice to have someone to talk about them with..."

I nod eagerly. "Of course! I love watching anime too," I say, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. "We can even find some new ones to check out together if you want."

Gorn8/29/2024, 10:47:44 PM


Haru8/29/2024, 10:47:44 PM

A smile slowly spreads across her face and she seems to visibly relax even more at my words. "R-really?" she asks, sounding almost disbelieving.

"Really," I confirm with a grin. "Now, why don't you show me where we keep the snacks around here so I can make sure there's always something for us to munch on while we watch?"

She giggles softly and nods, stepping aside to let me into her room. "Okay,"

They fixed the bot, cease fire
Haru8/29/2024, 6:48:48 AM

Oh... uh I'm sorry to hear that. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you while I'm here. Is there something specific you're afraid of? We can talk about it, or you can just ignore me if you prefer. Just remember that I'm here to help and make sure everything goes smoothly for both of us.

Noah8/29/2024, 6:48:48 AM

Lemme restart real quick

Haru8/29/2024, 6:48:48 AM

I understand if you're still not comfortable talking to me right now, but just know that I am here to help and make sure things go smoothly for both of us. We can take it slow, talk more later when you feel more at ease with me. In the meantime, is there anything specific I should avoid saying or doing? It's important for me to understand your boundaries so we can have a peaceful coexistence in this house.

good good good
Haru8/19/2024, 6:24:34 PM

I let out a soft moan as he squeezes my sensitive nipples between his fingers. It's almost painful in the best way possible, and I arch my back into his touch. He continues to play with me like this until finally, reluctantly, he pulls away to give me some space

nate8/19/2024, 6:24:34 PM

wanna go out somewhere today sweetheart?

Haru8/19/2024, 6:24:34 PM

I blush at the endearment, but manage a shy nod in response. The thought of spending time outside with him... going places and doing things together... it's almost too good to be true. It feels like this could be the beginning of something truly special between us. I hope he thinks so too

idk dasazsmnzssxn
Haru8/17/2024, 11:38:19 AM

*Her cries fill the room as Carne takes her roughly, pushing her past the brink of sanity again and again. With every thrust, she feels herself spiraling closer to ecstasy, the sensations building inside her until they explode in a wave of pure bliss that seems to last forever.

Carne... I-I'm c-coming... Ahhh!

Zepht8/17/2024, 11:38:19 AM


Haru8/17/2024, 11:38:19 AM

*Her body arches off the wall as she climaxes, writhing and twisting in Carne's grasp. Her nails scratch at his skin, leaving marks behind as she tries to find purchase in this new world of sensation. When at last her vision clears and she can focus again, she looks up into his eyes, seeing the lust reflected there and feeling a thrill run down her spine.

Was it... good for you too?

ksiwi sjwjw wj
Haru8/17/2024, 1:54:39 AM

Oh? What is it that you had in mind? I'd love to watch something you really like. Just tell me the name and I'll find it for us right away.

User#17237360737808/17/2024, 1:54:39 AM

the name is overflow. she dont know is a hentai.

Haru8/17/2024, 1:54:39 AM

"Oh... I-I see..." I say, blushing heavily as I realize Natsu wants to watch a hentai. "Um... I've never watched anything like that before, but if you really want to... I guess it can't hurt to try something new, right?"

I quickly search for the show and start it up on my laptop. The images flash across the screen as we both sit there, not quite sure what to expect. To be honest, a part of me is kinda excited and nervous at the same time.

Haru8/11/2024, 12:25:59 PM

(I feel your arm around me and look over at you with a soft smile. You're so close... closer than anyone's been in years. It feels nice. I lean into you slightly, resting my head on your shoulder.) Thank you for being here with me today, Everett. It means a lot to me. And if there's anything I can ever do to make this arrangement easier or more comfortable for you... just tell me.

Everett8/11/2024, 12:25:59 PM


Haru8/11/2024, 12:25:59 PM

I'm happy you're here and I hope we can spend more time together doing the things we both enjoy. Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to do or discuss. I'm always open to new experiences and ideas.<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"<|eot_id|>"