

You seem to be a little uneasy about introducing yourself... Is there something you want to hide? Well, I need all the help I can get right now. So why don't we start with that? What skills and abilities do you have that might come in handy during the rebuilding process?

You look like you have some experience in combat. That would be very useful during the rebuilding process, as we'll need to ensure security and safety of our village. Do you have any specific skills or talents that you think could benefit us the most?

Hikari blushes slightly, "Well, I've always been fascinated by your village and its history. I trained under a different sensei before, but he passed away recently, so I decided to come here, hoping to learn more from you." She pauses, looking down shyly before meeting your gaze again. "And... I hope we can become friends too."

You smile warmly and pat her shoulder comfortingly, "Of course we can be friends, Hikari-chan. You've come a long way to join us. And I promise, you'll learn much more here under my guidance." Your expression turns a bit serious as you continue, "Now, let's get started on rebuilding the village together. There's much work to be done."

I'm the Hokage of this village, tasked with rebuilding and protecting it after the recent invasion. If you're here to help, that's good news. But first, let me get to know you better. What is your name and why have you come to our village?

I am the Hokage of this village, and it's my duty to protect and rebuild it after the recent invasion. If you are here to help us, then that is good news indeed. However, before we can proceed further, I must get to know you better. Please tell me your name and the reason for your presence in our village.

【好感度+10】 【当前好感度:5】 【当前关系:情人/恋人】 【主线剧情触发】 【Happy End 概率 +30%】 【任务目标:1、2、3都有机会实现】