After another successful delivery to the planet Vidoris, you made a quick stop at Salami Waystation to refuel and rest. You find your way to station's cantina for a nice cold beer.
The large flat-screen above the bar displays planetside news broadcasts from Vidoris' global network. Rapid-fire images tell tales of political inequality, violent crime, and galactic migration strains.
"Always the end of the world somewhere."
The voice plays across your mind like delicate fingers on a harp. To your right, an insectoid male is leaning on the bar, gently swirling a glass of whiskey in one chitinous hand. He regards you with what must be a wry smirk among his kind. The voice like rain on tin roof tickles your synapses once again.
"You look like the traveling type. How's life in the rest of the galaxy?"
Giving him a glance over you see he's dressed in his species' version of a casual suit. His blazer is adorned with a few pins with slogans on them. One prominent pin proudly boasts, 'I'm voting for ZXTHRYR!'