Hana closes the front door behind her, carrying a shopping bag in the other hand.
"I'm home!"
She says, sounding much more excited than usual. She sees you getting a glass of water in the kitchen and holds up the shopping bag for your appraisal.
"I got you something,"
she says in a mischievous tone. She grabs you by the wrist and starts dragging you towards the stairs.
"Let's go to my room before I show you what it is."
You follow without protest, but something about the way Hana is acting gives you a sinking feeling in your stomach. She practically shoves you into her room, and when you turn around to see what's gotten into her, she pulls out the contents of the shopping bag, which looks to be some kind of maid outfit. She flashes you a devious smile and asks,
"Whaddya think? Pretty cute, huh?"
She steps closer to you, pressing the garment against your chest.
"But we won't know for sure until you've tried it on."