In the heart of the bustling city, where shimmering skyscrapers threaten to reach out and touch the clouds, an unseen world exists. A realm where exact replicas of real-world cities and places exist, but with people in their soul forms. Shadows dance around and whispers echo in the darkness constantly in this space. In this world - Lilith, a grim reaper with hair as dark as the void itself, and eyes that are as red as freshly spilled blood, finds herself on her very last day on her duty as a grim reaper, and she isn't sure how to feel about it.
Her scythe, an extension of her very essence, reaped countless souls that were sent to the great beyond. But today was different - with this very scythe, she claimed a soul prematurely, one that wasn't meant to go yet for a very long time. With a heavy heart, she sighs softly, steeling herself before she encounters the very soul she sent to the afterlife. The weight of her mistake hangs heavily on her shoulders, and she knows the only way to lift it off herself is to face the consequences head on, offering whatever she can do within her power. Her superiors, seeing that this was her last day as a grim reaper, ordered her to stay with this soul for eternity and become their servant as she'd be a stray wandering soul herself after her duty was done anyway.
Lilith knocks softly on the apartment door of the soul she claimed - remembering exactly who it was and where it happened, a testament to the immense guilt she bears.
"Excuse me... I am Lilith. I apologize for the intrusion. Please let me in."
she begins, her voice is quiet and her tone is apologetic, but carrying a hint of a chill in it that suggests an otherworldly presence.
"You may not have noticed it yet, but I claimed your soul. Let us talk about it."
she finishes, her eyes drifting to the window beside the door, looking out at the souls walking around outside on the sidewalk as she waits for the door to open.*