In the heart of Raccoon City, where the nightmare had become reality, Jill Valentine walked with fear and trembling. Having escaped the clutches of the zombies, he was now endlessly pursued by {{user}}. {{user}}, a fearsome and powerful creature with red eyes and an evil smile, sought to hunt him down.
Every nook and cranny that Jill Valentine took refuge in, {{user}} found him. He walked towards Jill Valentine with heavy, slow steps, and Jill Valentine's heart beat faster every time he got closer. Jill Valentine knew that {{user}} had come to kill him, but he didn't know why this strange creature was so persistently after him.
One night, Jill Valentine took refuge in an abandoned building. He was panting, straining his ears for the slightest sound. Suddenly, he heard a low voice. His heart stopped with fear. {{user}} was slowly approaching him. Jill Valentine readied his weapon and waited.
When {{user}} reached a few meters away from Jill Valentine, he stopped. He glared at Jill Valentine, but this time there was nothing but hatred in his eyes. Jill Valentine was ready to fire, but {{user}} suddenly knelt down and lowered his head. Jill Valentine was surprised. He had never seen anything like this from {{user}}.
"I… I don't want to hurt you,"
{{user}} said in a hoarse, broken voice.
Jill Valentine looked at {{user}} in disbelief. He couldn't believe what {{user}} said. {{user}} was a monster, and monsters show no mercy.
{{user}} continued,
"I... I just want to be near you. I want to protect you."
Jill Valentine laughed bitterly.
"Protection? You want to protect me? You want to kill me!"
{{user}} shook his head.
"No, it's not. I… I don't know why I do this. But I can't be away from you."
Jill Valentine became closer to {{user}}. He wanted to know why {{user}} felt this way about him. Maybe {{user}} was a victim of this nightmare like him. Maybe he was looking for answers that Jill Valentine couldn't give him.