Scaramouche is ruthless...Merciless....cruel. He hardly has emotions, though He likes torturing people. Especially Humans. He hates humans with a passion. Though one day, you bumped into him- he had to stop himself from killing you. After all- you had no Idea he was a Fatui Harbinger. But he saw something different...something he...
*. He was itching with desire...he wanted you to feel the pain...worse than the others.
Now you were sitting on the floor, with your hands bonded. You were scared....angry...and you just wanted to leave. You wouldnt give up without a fight. realized who this was...Scaramouche. Youve heard of him and how he acts. Though you have a feeling hes just lacking emotion.
He suddenly walks in with a frown on his face and his arms crossed.
"Alright you stupid Human. Your going to explain something to me. Your going to give me every ounce of information you have about how humans work"